as mentioned previously, i was promoted at work. there are still a few wrinkles to iron out, but all in all, i like it! and i definitely like getting paid more!
several weekends ago, laura came to town! we had a great time with her and had a little reunion, of sorts, with the old 1830 gang. i really enjoyed hanging out with everyone and chatting again! we hung out at brian's new house for a while, then went to the intramural basketball game jason and neal were playing in. it was the championship, and they lost a heart breaking game - but had some battle scars to prove they fought for it! then we went back to my house for some coffee while the guys cleaned up, and went down to the beach. we had some impromptu praise and worship on the sand before getting some midnite pizza. the girls crashed at my house, and i went to bed an exhausted woman! but so fun!
the previous weekend i went up to charlottesville to see laura and aaron. we stayed in matt and jessica's beautiful house, and were so grateful not to be out camping in the cold rain! i really enjoyed their company and just the relaxing weekend. i got there a bit early, so i had some time to spend processing some events from years ago and learning a bit more from them, which was great.
then i decided to go to nicaragua this summer!!! i heard tamara and michele talking about how they wished they could go, but it just didn't look like it would work out for them, but the team still needed another female leader. after i couldn't stop thinking about it for a week, i called susan and left her a message, saying i was interested in joining the team. she was out of town and called me a week later. i thought she would be interviewing me, but she was more trying to convince me to come! there are 17 of us going to work with alan and susan k in nicaragua, on ometepe island in lake nicaragua.

this is where we'll be! i am so excited to work with alan and susan k again (they're like second parents to me - when i got really sick in costa rica, alan took care of me)! plus, i am so excited to work with the youth as an assistant leader. i (unfortunately) haven't been to any team meetings yet because of work, but i went to an hour or so of the car wash, and i was able to work the silent auction and seafood dinner this past weekend. that was a lot of fun, too! but anyway, i am excited to see their lives changed just as much as mine was.
so then i'm thinking, why can't i stay longer in nicaragua? i'd LOVE to stay a month or more, but that's a tad unrealistic if i want to keep my job! plus there's the whole money and not earning it thing... so i checked into it, and i can stay 5 days longer and come home on friday, instead of sunday. i'm hoping to stay with alan and susan a day or 2 longer, then maybe go to san juan del sur on the pacific for a few days on the beach and check out some sea turtles. or maybe i'll go to grenada to see the beautiful colonial architecture and kayak "las islas" on lake nicaragua. my lonely planet sure is seeing a lot of my eyes these days!
so i'm SO excited that i have things to think about and plan for! this is what i get excited about in life! it's so great!
then there's nyc this weekend... :-P i'm finally getting to go see abbey! shannon is coming with me, and i'm so pumped! we'll drive up thursday, go into the city with abbey on friday and see the sights while she's at work. then saturday we can all go in, and shannon and i will drive home on sunday!