Sunday, November 18, 2007

ah, a quick update

ok, i forgot what i posted on last month! a few updates:

A: still involved (a bit reluctantly), but i have reached a balance that gives me peace
B: is great. loving it. realized that A and B are NOT mutually exclusive, and that's ok. it's hard sometimes, but it's "home"
C: not happening. well, in its structured form it's not happening, but i'm learning ways to make it happen on my own time, with a little self-discipline.
D: still hasn't happened. don't know if it will or not, or if it should or not. but i'm ok hanging in the balance for now.
E: a good thing, even if it changes. can't and won't give up now, and that's a good thing. ;-)

Jesus has been good in clarifying in my heart what is important and what is fluff. sometimes fluff is good, but it's not what life is made of. and in the meantime, He's given me a lot of peace. things are not completely settled, but i'm ok with the process for now. thanks for your prayers and words of encouragement! they mean a lot to me!

1 comment:

Jimmie said...

Hey Dianne,

I tagged you in a meme on my new blog.

--Jimmie (Aaron's wife)