Monday, October 20, 2008

who cares?!

i hate this class. i keep thinking "who cares!!!" and i can't seem to get over it. i have to read these 2 articles and make comparisons of the 2, but i don't have sufficient background on the topic to do a good job. and i don't care enough to do the extensive research required to do a good job.

sentences like "Even God's immanence and transcendence are discussed prior to Trinity!" just kill me. who CARES in what order topics are discussed? seriously? there aren't more serious things in the world to discuss and put exclamations on than the order of topics about God are discussed in?! ugh, who cares?! why is this important?!

it's stuff like that - i don't have the background to know what order these things are typically discussed in, or why, so i don't care about this stuff, even tho i'm supposed to. so if someone else does it the "wrong" way, i don't even notice. so much for comparing 2 articles. sometimes i like being an outsider, unconcerned with the (irrelevant) minute details, but sometimes it just gets me into trouble. like i should be reading and trying to understand the rest of that article so i can at least attempt to write this paper right now, instead of writing this post.

on a side note (why don't i continue, since i'm already here and i already hate that class and that paper, so why not put it off another 10 minutes), i had a great weekend. well, sunday, in particular. i found a church that i think i'm really going to enjoy. and even if i don't always enjoy it, i think i'll learn a lot from them and grow in new ways. the people i've met are pretty awesome, and i love that it's a fairly diverse group that i've put myself in. a bunch of us went to lunch after church, and as i was looking around at the end as we all just stood around, i was the only american! it was so great!!! there were 4 norweigians, a peruvian, a south korean, and 2 french(wo)men. so fun!

after returning home and checking email, i studied in the study lounge a bit until ruth convinced me to go to the apple store with her. yup, we walked to the apple store here in pasadena. jealous yet? so when we got back, i studied a bit more before she told me she and a few others were meeting to pray. how could i say no to that?! we talked and prayed for over 2 hours and it was so great. i really enjoyed it, even tho i was exhausted by the end and went home and went to bed. i have a lot to learn from them.

so when i said "studied", i meant tried to study. there was a group of kids outside the study lounge that were having fun killing a bug, so i watched them a while and laughed. so i read about 15 pages the first "study" time, and then another 12 pages before we prayed. whoops. so much for being productive! i really need to work on that, while i'm supposed to be doing work. i don't mind setting aside the studying to help out a friend or pray, but i need to be more productive in the times i do set aside for work. like right now. so i guess that's my que.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it's kind of rough...

But I'm saying this in way of encouragement: Suppose you go to a UPG, and people receive the gospel. Great, now you're making disciples! Y'all start talking about concepts of God, and you realize their ideas have some significant departures from biblical ideas of God. So you want to direct their thoughts towards, say, the Trinity, but now you remember, 'what was that stupid paper I had to write my first year in seminary about the Trinity? Oh yeah, maybe it's helpful, before we jump right into "3-in-1" and "1-but-not-3-but-kinda" to discuss together how God is present everywhere (immanent) but yet beyond and separate from our physical world (transcendent). Then, maybe I can use our discussion of those aspects to bridge the gap to a more biblical trinitarian concept of God...'

Does that make sense? I'm just trying to say, maybe there's more value in some of these things than is at first apparent. It's no accident that part of God's plan for your life (for global impact, which I really believe you will have) involves his leading you there, and part of your being there is learning seemingly irrelevant things. Years from now, you'll be glad you persevered (which I do believe you will--persevere, that is). :)

David Stone said...

Those kinds of papers can be frustrating. I encountered that a lot in my undergrad. I got really really really (X100) bored with writing yet another paper over some obscure subject in history. However, its not necessarily the subject matter. Sometimes the point is to teach you how to think in the terms that the seminary wants you to think in. They are training your thought processes to formulate reasonable, articulate thoughts regarding theology.

I say that to say this: Don't lose heart! Remember that this is training for your ultimate goal! When you first started running, it wasn't easy. Rather it was pretty darned hard wasn't it? I sure you had mornings that you were in bed thinking...WHY??? Keep it up. Do the work, even if you don't see the point right now. We have to train before we can run!