Saturday, December 06, 2008


my heart is a mess.
i see that and have many questions, and i want all the answers. why do i feel the way i do? have i been hurt? why do i feel hurt? who has hurt me? do i have the right to be hurt? am i just being selfish and immature? what are all the emotions i'm feeling? why do i feel them?

i want answers because i think knowing all the "whys" will help me fix myself.

Jesus says come to Me, and I will give you rest.

i think that if i can figure out what i'm feeling and why, i will know how to pray.

Jesus says come to Me, and I will give you rest.

i want to know all these answers so i can program myself to respond "better" and "more appropriately" in the future. so i will know what all the right words are so that no one knows that i'm anything but fine.

Jesus says come to Me, and I will give you rest.

i think that if i can analyze myself better, i will be more lovable.

Jesus says I already love you. come to Me, and i will give you rest.

Jesus, how do i come?

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