Wednesday, August 12, 2009

thoughts from a brain-dead girl.

i don't like the name "don". or any name with a "G" in it, really. "Grace" might be an exception, solely for the definition of the word.

i ate a peach today, and i was thankful that it was much better than the last peach i ate.

i got a rejection email today for a job i applied for but wasn't sure i wanted.

i also applied for another job i'm not sure i want.

but i do know that i'm already dreading going to work again, and it's 44 hours away at this point.

i've never said this before: i can't wait for the summer to be over. i can't wait for a "normal", more manageable schedule and pace.

self-care in mission is still rocking my socks off. today we heard about third-culture kids, doing ministry as a family, and a little bit about boarding school. a seasoned couple came to speak to us, and we encouraged the wife to write a book. and together, they're hilarious! it was great.

old testament prophets is not rocking my socks off quite so much. it isn't nearly as good as i was hoping, especially for the number of hours i put into the work. i kind of freaked out tonight on the assignment and spouted off. the assignment was basically analyzing masculinity and womanhood in the book of hosea. i think if hosea's your source, your definitions of both are going to come out pretty whack, and i said as much on my assignment.

on the flip side, we studied jonah last week, and that was one of the best homework assignments i've ever done. why do you think jonah was written? as in, what is the "moral of the story"??

i checked a book out of the library today. the first time i've gone to the shelf, found the book myself, and checked it out since last fall. don't worry, i've checked out (a few) books since then. the library was under construction for 6 months and the staff had to go find books for us during that time. but now we're free to browse the shelves ourselves. yay! too bad i won't actually have time to read that book!

still working on housing stuff. it's crazy, man. i really hope, hope, hope this will all be over soon, and i'll be content with whatever roommate God gives me.

i really really miss rain and thunderstorms. i had no idea i'd miss thunder and lightning this badly.

i'm out. peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice random thoughts! And you can have all our rain, thunderstroms and lightning...I like some, but we have a lot!
