Friday, September 18, 2009


i HATE this feeling. i would never wish this feeling on anyone.

so today is the last day of summer quarter. as you're probably aware, it was not an easy summer for me. i was really looking forward to just being DONE with everything, just to put it all behind me.

well as the week drew to a close, it became painfully obvious to me that i wasn't going to complete everything. i could have finished my papers for my islam class, but one of the assignments was to spend 3 hours with a muslim, and i hadn't done that yet. i emailed the professor last weekend (he doesn't live in southern california), and told him i didn't think i could do that part. he said it was worth 15 points, so the highest i could get in the class is a B. it's supposed to be a pretty easy class, in the end, so i felt silly earning a B in the class. my other class i had to finish, advocacy, i should have been working on for a while now. i realized that the idea i had for my final paper wasn't sufficient. i still am not quite sure what i should do, or where i should go with the topic.

i did finish my prophets class on monday night. that paper, once i started writing it, was really fun and i think i did pretty well on it. it's my only grade for the class, so i hope i was right!!! it really was a breeze to write, once i sat down and did it. i was hoping advocacy would go just as smoothly, but alas, it didn't, and i started to freak out.

i did complete all my book reviews for both classes, so it's nice to have them done. i was able to email my islamics professor last night and ask for an incomplete, which he graciously granted me, so i quit working on that paper and turned my attention to advocacy. i definitely could have finished islamics by 5pm today, minus the hanging out with a muslim bit, but i wasn't able to get in touch with any of the three advocacy professors until later this afternoon. since i wasn't sure if i would be granted an incomplete in that class, i had to keep working on the paper! i figured i'd just chug along for the parts i could complete, then worry about the lacking parts later. it was a HUGE relief when i finally got an email back from one of the profs which i quickly printed out, attached to my petition, and took over to the registrar's office.

so i'd still like to finish my islamics paper tonight, but when i went back to it, my mind was just blank. i HATE the feeling of being sleep deprived, my body just hurts and my head doesn't focus very well. so i feel like any work i can accomplish today isn't going to be quality, anyway, so i might as well give up. especially since i now have until dec 11 to finish! i will still work on my papers and hopefully finish them this week, and hang out with a muslim soon.

so you can be praying that i will have the discipline to go ahead and finish now, and also that i will have a better fall quarter than my summer quarter was! ugh!


dust in the wind said...

Oh, that sucks! I do not envy you brave souls who are back in school! Glad to hear you got an extension. Do you know a Muslim you can spend time with, or do you still need to find someone?

It sure is nice getting to start off with a new slate next semester :) I hope that semester goes better for you.


Dianne said...

thanks, dustin. no, i don't know anyone here, which is why i didn't do it yet, but i'm pretty certain i will meet one soon. now that my friends are starting to return from their various summer events, i can have someone introduce me. it was just hard since i was the only girl in the class... the guys just all went and hung out at the mosque together. which i suppose i could have done, if i had a car. oh, well.

and, ahem, i do believe friday was yesterday, missy! ;-) i look forward to reading more from you!