Tuesday, December 26, 2006

more random thoughts...

so my family is really pretty good, overall. i'm thankful for them, even when i don't really want to be around them. and really, it's that i don't want to be in va beach at all, not that i want away from my family. but don't get me wrong, i'm glad i'm not sharing a bathroom with 4 adults anymore.

Christmas was pretty good. i made the best stuffing i've ever had. we made the same stuffing at thanksgiving, but we only had polish sausage, not italian, and my oh my has the italian sausage made all the difference! that, and the 2 eggs and 1c sour cream that i forgot to put in it last time. YUM. i also made a pretty stinking good raspberry chocolate truffle cheesecake. my brother in law said it's better than the cheesecake factory.

in sadder news, the little glass christmas tree i bought my mom in venice and carried around for 5 weeks got knocked over and broke into 16 pieces. we both cried. the good news is that the same brother in law bought some special glue and has really steady hands and helped glue the big pieces together. the smaller pieces i think i can get later. well, i hope.

I GOT TO TALK TO KA KI LAST NIGHT!!! wow, i was so excited! if you're reading this, THANK YOU, KA KI!!! ka ki is a friend of mine from OU. she is so stinking awesome, and i was so glad to hear from her! she was really encouraging, too, and just talking to her gave me some great perspective. it is so great to know i'm in the same boat as many other "recent" grads... knowing it's a big world out there, and i have so many doors open to me, but which ones to pursue? and where did all my friends and support system, and instant relationships with classmates and colleagues go? and oh, yeah, what am i doing with my life? i definitely think these first few years after college (ok, 1.5 so far) are the hardest. and i definitely think that is the case with so many of us these days. most campus ministries, for one, don't necessarily do a good job preparing us for life after college. and one reason, as i think about it, is that they don't really know about it... most of the campus crusade staffers at my school started on staff right after college themselves. so in a sense, they never left the college world and entered the "real world" or the work force. but those are more thoughts for a later date...

so i was planning to go up to DC and see dustin and clayton on thurs. but then i got an invitation to go to their baby shower on sat. i can't go both days, which day do i choose?

the weather yesterday was wicked! the high was 71, at 10pm! we were just getting out of the movies, and it was SO warm! 71, to be exact! oy! at midnight, as i walked around the block while talking to ka ki, i passed a guy who had been out running, and i wanted to run, too. it was POURING rain as we entered the movie theater at 730, and if it were pouring at midnight, i definitely would have gone running, too. speaking of, i may have a running date with abbey tomorrow morning... hmmm... that will come early!

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