Tuesday, September 12, 2006


so... i've been in copenhagen 2 days now. and i walk around and think of things all the time that i want to put up here, but i forget them.

random thoughts:
there are TONS of jellyfish here! and the water in the harbor and canals is so clear! i'm very impressed in both the water quality, and the ability of the jellyfish to live in such cold water.

i actually went back to sweeden today. i haven't visited trivoli gardens (sorry, jim!) cos it's pretty expensive, so i decided to head back across the water for the morning. i walked around malmø for a bit, saw the "twisting torso", a building that isn't straight up and down, but the actual structure twists, spent some swedish kroner, and hopped back on the train for lund. lund was pretty... a university town with a huge old church. i'm glad i went, then hopped back on the train back to malmo, realized that 60 SEK isn't worth exchanging, and spent an hour trying to decide how to spend it. there weren't any good shopping\touristy areas around the train station, that i could see, so i ended up getting a couple postcards and some food there at the train station.

then i came back to this side of the water (denmark), headed for the little mermaid statue (that hans christian anderson used as inspiration, good job, mary!), and walked along the water for a while. i went thru the area where the royal palace is, got too close to a statue and had a royal guard yell at me across the plaza. whoops. too bad i don't understand danish! another guy told me later that he was yelling at me. i had no idea, i just heard him yelling. and i thought the chain was up around the thing to keep the cars out. oh, well. another lesson learned!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Hans Christian Anderson!
I love water too, but jellyfish - yuck! I am sorry I am commenting so late on this one, this week has been crazy!
Much love!