Sunday, June 24, 2012

Back in the Saddle, Starting Today!

It's time to get back in the saddle. After finishing grad school, it was nice not to be required to write, so I didn't write at all. Plus, I work on a computer 40 hrs a week; I didn't want to even turn my personal computer on! My personal journal hasn't seen much activity, either! Now, nearly 2 years later, it's time to start practicing something I claim to be good at. Not amazing, mind you, but not terrible, either. If I want to be able to tell my boss I'm a good writer, I know I need to keep working at it. So in this area, among several others that I shelved for a while, it's time to get back in the saddle.

As a means of commitment, whether or not I have any readers at all, I'm laying out here a few things I want to tackle in the coming weeks and months. Writing helps me to process my own thoughts, as well as document my experiences, so here's what I plan to blog about:
1. Stewardship - including tithing, generosity (today!), and areas beyond finances
2. My 30-Before-30 list - items already accomplished as well as what's next
3. Church. I'm still not sure where this one is going, but I committed months ago to thinking more deeply about it, so it's time I start. Eeek. 
4. General life goings-on - new position at work, LOVING Southern California still, and learning (still!) the slower rhythms of life as an adult 

Join me if you dare.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Can't wait to hear more!