Wednesday, August 02, 2006


woohooooooo!! i finally bought my plane ticket, so it's official! i'm leaving norfolk aug 29 and returning nov 1. 2 whole months of fun across the pond! yes!!

the things i'm most excited about are the fjords of norway, 2 weeks in italy, paris, morocoo, and seeing lots of friends in germany/austria/italy. good times!! the rough plan is to fly into paris, head up north to scandinavia, and fly down to spain where i'll meet ginny. for the next 3 weeks, ginny and i will travel eastward, hitting morocco, spain, the french riviera, switzerland, some selected italian sights (including a day of cooking classes!), then take the boat over to greece. ginny will head home from there, while i boat back to italy to hit all the rest of the sights ginny has already seen. then i'll head north thru austria, germany, and skimming the netherlands and belgium before returning to paris for my flight home. sound like fun? it should be!!

in other news, my sister is getting married on saturday. her soon to be in-laws have rented a house down on the oceanfront and are enjoying a week of holidaying before the big day. poor michelle is completely exhausted and stressed out, and it's only wednesday. it should be fun, tho. i'm taking tomorrow and friday off work to hang with the family... my grandmother comes in this afternoon, and my other sister comes in tomorrow. there's a tea with all the ladies on both sides of the family tomorrow, and a wine and cheese party at the nail salon on friday. not to mention the rehearsal dinner which should be awesome. there have been costumes arriving at the house in my name for this thing. i get really excited, then realize it isn't for me cos my name is spelled wrong! oh, well.

what about taking off work? you mean you're actually working? yup, that's right, i have a job. it isn't anything too fancy... just answering phones at a law firm temporarily. have i mentioned it's completely NUTSO!!? yeah, well, it is. if you want to hear some mildly amusing stories, call me sometime, or email me for the best ones. i have to admit, there's barely a dull moment! it's not too much work, so i have plenty of time to do things like check email, update my blog, and plan my europe trip! it doesn't pay all that awesome, but at least it's a job, and they're flexible with me.

i'm hoping to go visit jessica in about a week and a half. i've been promising to head up to c'ville for a few months now, and i really want to see her! i absolutely HAVE to go before i leave, so i'm pretty excited to get away from the madness down here.

farewell for now!

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