Tuesday, September 04, 2012

30 Before 30 #1: Run a 10k

Run a 10k, as in a race (not just the distance). This one I've actually done twice now, and I'm registered to run at least one more before the year ends!

Danielle, Nate, and I ran the Firecracker 10k that began and ended in Chinatown on February 12, 2012. The race course was a bit challenging, going up over the hill around Dodger Stadium and back down. To be honest, I knew I was under-prepared for the race, but knew that I would still give it my best. My goal was to finish the race in 1:15, but I didn't take into account the many hills! All my training thus far had been on relatively flat land, and I completely forgot that running hills would use different muscle groups in different ways!

The first climb was killer, not going to lie. But the views of the city were amazing! The park we ran through was beautiful, and many runners stopped to take photos along the way with their phones. I, however, concentrated on simply finishing! The race course continued to challenge me, and I fell behind Danielle and Nate fairly early on. They were kind to wait for me to catch up at one point, and we ran together for a while. On the downhill section, I ran past them, lengthening my stride and letting the hill do the work for me! But I overdid it, and Nate and Danielle soon passed me again. I finished in 1:20:29, at a 12:59/mile pace. Danielle finished, then came back to run with me across the finish line.

On May 20, 2012, Stephanie and I ran the Pasadena 10k, part of the Pasadena Marathon. This race was great because it started and ended just a couple blocks from my home, so I simply walked to the start line. The race course ran down to California Blvd, back up around Pasadena City Hall, and then back the way we started.

Pasadena City Hall:

I had definitely trained better for this race and was hoping this would be closer to the 1:15 time I had wanted to run the Firecracker in, or maybe even better! However, Stephanie had trained but not as well, and I didn't want to leave her. I have been hugely helped in my running by others sticking with me and encouraging me, and I found it beneficial, too. I wasn't as focused on my own muscle aches and pains when I was focused on keeping Stephanie energized! We ran by, and were passed by, friends at several stages which was a nice distraction.

The 2nd half of the race was more challenging, especially for Steph. Her stride (and therefore pace) was slower than mine, so I found I couldn't comfortably run alongside her. I ended up running ahead at my own pace, and at each block jogging in place to wait for her, or running back to then run alongside her. The last mile was more fun as we encouraged and challenged each other to the finish line. We finished in 1:28:23. So it was quite a bit slower than I had wanted to run, initially, but I'm really glad we finished together!!

The END!

I'm now registered to run the weSpark 10k through the Universal Studios backlot on November 4th. I've already begun a training program for this race (though I admit I haven't stuck to it 100%) and expect to hit my 1:15 or better mark for this race! I am using this race as an excuse/reason to get into better shape before going to Peru and trekking to Machu Picchu! Running this race, and actually training for it, will help that experience to not be as painful as it otherwise would!

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