Thursday, September 27, 2012

30 Before 30: #4 & 3

#4: Run the Color Run
#3: Eat Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles

The Color Run was held (locally) at the Great Park in Irvine on April 22, 2012.  I roped my friends Michael, Danielle, and Nate into running with me, so we did a few runs together around the Rose Bowl to prep for this run.  The race course, in itself, was pretty boring along an old runway.  The weather was cloudy, with the marine layer solidly in place, making it fairly muggy.  We donned our race shirts, race headbands, sunglasses, old running shoes and lined up with 1000 of our closest friends at the start line.

So the premise: Run a 5k along a course where at each kilometer mark, a team is there to throw color (like bright powdered sugar) at each runner as he/she passes.  The first color was yellow, then green, then blue/purple, and then pink before the finish line.

The pre-picture:

After the first two stations: 

After the 3rd station:

After the 4th station:

At the end of the race, everyone has a packet of the color powder that we have a big color "fight" with:

It's pretty intense in there!  It's actually really dark and very hard to breathe!
Thankfully, we survived! :)

So by the end, we were more colors than just the 4 from the race (the pink and purple are the ones that "stick" the most!

It was quite a morning, to say the least.  Which, of course, needed to be followed up with a great meal. If you aren't familiar with it, Roscoe's is an LA legacy.  It's one of those classic places that somehow I've never had!  I'd been in Pasadena more than 3 and a half years, and never had Roscoe's!  Waffles and fried chicken are an apparent perfect match, as we quickly found out.  I had Herb's Special: 2 pieces of chicken and 2 waffles.  Most of which I took home!  It was a lovely meal, and I'm glad to have experienced a Pasadena tradition.  I probably will return to the restaurant, but may not have chicken AND waffles next time.

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