Monday, October 02, 2006

hrmmm... not as fun as i was hoping...

so i am here in rome, and i am a little bored. not to mention lonely again. it is one thing to stand in line for 45 min for a ride at busch gardens, you have your friends there to chat with. it is something else to stand in line for over 2 hrs (10 city blocks long) to see the vatican museums, which i don't care all that much about, all by myself. so i didn't.

i did want to at least go in the courtyard and see st peter's basilica, and as i was trying to find the end of the line, a guy came up to me and said "hi". and i cautiously said hi, back. and he was like, "do you remember me? we met on the train to venice." he took his sunglasses off, and i did recognize him, tho not from the train to venice. so, he took me to his spot in line, with several others, whom i did recognize, and they invited me to join them in line. so i did. i cut in line. they had already been waiting 20 min and were an older (60-70s) american group that was friendly to chat with, so i was quite glad. i had been praying for a friend in rome, and here is this group that i met a week ago! i still haven't quite placed them. i think i was going to verona when i met them, and they were continuing on to venice. i think, i dunno.

well the sad part of the story comes at security. it's almost as bad as an airport. and i forgot that i had my swiss army knife in my bag. yeah... so they wanted me to throw it out, and i was like, i got that in switzerland, had my initials put on it, there is no way i am throwing it out! so i left, instead. and sat down and cried. and had to figure out a way to break my 50 euro note so i could buy a subway ticket back to my hostel. the little things get me, ya know?

so now, here i am, in "splashnet", where they do my laundry while i sit here on the internet. not a bad system. and i got a discount from my hostel, even better.

i am still feeling lethargic and tired, i guess from being sick. i still have a bit of a cold, unfortunately. so i went to bed early last nite, but missed out on the fun on the rooftop terrace. hopefully tonite there will be more fun up there, and i will feel up to joining them! in the meantime, the guy that runs the "splashnet" is fun to chat with.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff, but I hate to hear about Swiss Army knives being threatened--that's happened to me a few times, and it's sad. I'm glad you backed out instead of losing it. :)
Enjoying your stories!