Tuesday, April 17, 2007

mat kearney. wow.

so i think i'm in love with this guy. i also think part of it has to do with the fact that he's from oregon, which currently feels the same way to me that paradise does to jihad-ers. maybe that's a crude, rude, and politically incorrect thing to say.

so i did see mat kearney at the norva last night. it was a great show. i went with hannah, who i like more and more each time i talk with her. the opening band was british, so there was a huge british crowd there last night... it sorta made me feel like i were in australia again. in fact, the last time i was at a show like that, i was indeed in australia, seeing my friend paul, who plays in the band "the rex wicked". speaking of paul, who plays bass and has long blond hair, i saw his body double in the 2nd opening act last nite. it was so strange! it really did look so much like him, and i would have been very tempted to think that it really was him except that he would have at least emailed me if he were in america.

but back to mat. wow. great job, man. it was fun how he added a verse here and there, or changed a few words, about how he was in virginia on a monday night. i was appreciative.

man. i appreciate mary's foible of truth even more right now. "why do relationshits have to be so hard?!" actually she said "church relationshits", but at the moment, that modifier is not needed. man, relationships are hard. they suck. people are just never what i expect them to be, what i want them to be. i guess that's what's meant when they say "we're all human". we're all so different, yet so alike. the past few days have had me feeling more "different" than "normal". like i'm the only one like me around. which in many ways, i am so thankful for. but for now, i'm feeling more like an outsider. i look back and am more thankful for my friends in college that i had more "in common" with. maybe we were all just weird. at any rate, i find myself with less and less patience and grace for those around me these days. i don't want to deal with the ones i don't like. and there seem to be more and more of the ones i don't like. at the same time, i am learning to love and trust those that hurt me (mostly unknowingly) previously. i am learning to respect some people that i used to be "friends" with, years ago, but now i am seeing more of these days.

i went to lynchburg/reston to see shannon this weekend. she is way awesome, and quickly climbing the ladders of my favorite people and closest friends. she so joyfully and delightfully hosted me when i know there were a million other things going on in her life and her head. her host family was so welcoming and fun to hang out with, too. they love and appreciate her so much. it was fun to see that. she can be really silly and fun. i didn't find myself annoyed at all, which is rare for me, and i think that is because i know that she is very mature and wise, knows comic timing, and knows when things are appropriate and not. i thoroughly enjoyed my time with her, even climbing the mountain with only a view of the fog. it's just an excuse to go back another time and climb the peaks of otter, when they aren't in the clouds. ;-)

sigh. i wish i could just instantly grow up. and sometimes i like not being grown up. i definitely feel like i'm back-tracking. ah, time. too fast, and yet not fast enough.



Anonymous said...

thanks for the kind words d.

i like mat kearney too, but i think he's trying too hard by spelling his name with one t. c'mon, man, we all know that matt is the coolest way to spell your name.


when you gonna be over this way again? any time soon?

Anonymous said...

Merci pour le petit mot a mon page de xanga!
Thanks for the sweet comment! Here's right back at ya.
yes, SBUX is a good company to work for. I am blessed to have a job that I can come back too!
we MUST catch up. there is a plane trip to Mexico in my very near future and I want to tell you about it!