Sunday, November 25, 2007

2 years and counting...

i've been home for 2 years now. well, "home". i came back for the holidays in 2005 because both my sisters with boyfriends would be here for thanksgiving. my dad thought it would be nice to have all 3 of us home, so he bought my plane ticket home, but didn't know when to buy it going back for. it ended up that i used it a year later to go back to oklahoma for rachel's wedding upon returning from europe. so "home for the holidays" and now i've been here 2 years.

in a lot of ways i feel like nothing has changed and i've just been stuck here, forced to eek out an existence that is NOTHING like i had hoped, dreamed, or planned. or was in my mindset of living at all. hmmm... i hadn't really planned to stop and "take stock", but here i am, anyway...

i know that i'm not the same. my heart is a lot colder and more selfish in a lot of ways. i've been living alone, in a lot of ways, and i certainly don't have roommates of a normal sense. i'm probably much more cynical, pessimistic and jaded. i don't trust easily. it's hard for me to get excited for friends sometimes, because i'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. i guess that's partially because a lot situations and people have turned out not to be as i thought they were. sometimes that is because sin comes in and takes root, and sometimes it is because that is just the will of God. which is/was shattering because i thought things WERE the will of God that turned out so much differently than my comprehension could imagine. i understand, logically, that it's all for good in the end, but i don't understand it. at least not this side of heaven, not yet.

if i had known i'd be living at home for 2 years+, i don't think i would have come. if i had known a year ago i'd still be here now, i'd have tried a lot harder to leave. i was just certain that i would get one of the jobs i applied for that i was so excited about, then so crushed when i didn't get them (months down the road).

i know i've changed in good ways. my understanding of the world and my place in it is better, i think. i'm more socially aware, more culturally aware, and i know myself better. i've been to 11 more countries, 2 others again, and seen 7 more states. my circle of friends is almost entirely new. i've kept up some old friendships and more a few more on my journeys. i have health care now.

i have more/different hopes and dreams, too, which includes a lot more travel and seminary. even looking at it now, i'm not excited to spend another 9 months here. (have i mentioned how i don't like va beach that much?!) i've depressed myself again thinking of all this stuff, but then again, i was a bit glum when i even turned my computer on.

i guess i'm still hoping for something to change, but realizing i'm in for another marathon. better hang on for the long haul.

on another note, i intended to mention in my last post that i opened the gifts michelle and lee got me. a got 2 pairs of really good hiking socks and a water purifier system to use in the back country, so that'a pretty sweet. and something i probably would have thought she were crazy to get me 2 years ago, but now i think is awesome.

on yet another note, i ran into an old friend at church today, helena. i met helena at house church in oklahoma. she attended college in a town about an hour from where i lived, but came with a friend who was high school friends with a girl in our house church. she is also originally from va beach, and ended up attending the same church and house church i went to while at OU. now she is in grad school here in town in the same program as jenny, a friend of mine from high school that i go to church with now. so helena came to church with jenny today. small world, eh? i love this stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hear ya. i was having a similar realization the other day too - just how different my life looks now when compared to 2 years ago. but just to encourage you (its what i do, right?) i think that i am learning that its all about finding Jesus in all these drastically different times. its about making room to hear from Him and learning that He is always there. and no matter what change is next for me, He is always beside me. and theres a certain satisfaction in knowing that being His is enough. really, being His son is enough. so be blessed D. He's with you, really.