Monday, January 14, 2008


to impress favorably; charm; enamor

i just got off the phone with an old friend. "smitten" is the only word that came to mind when i hung up - grinning ear to ear, sighing with delight. no, i'm not in love, nor do i have a crush on my friend.

really, i'm in love with the God who redeems, with the God who is so in love with us. to talk with this friend, to hear him speak and describe his life, he is a completely different person today than he was when i met him, almost 6 years ago. God has worked such amazing miracles of transformation and redemption, it is ridiculous!

this God i serve is truly an amazing God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In response to your comment:

It is very easy to lose our identity. Look at Maximus...he lost his in a time of grief. For me..I lost mine in a time of joy and being poured out in service of the Lord. What I have learned is that its not the fact that I lost my identity that defines me. What defines my life and my faith is what I do now that I know who I am.