Monday, January 07, 2008

craziness in initiation....

definitely some thoughts to ponder... :-P :-D

finding organic church by frank viola (a pdf, 15p)

at church, the last sunday of the year, we had a time for people to speak about the past year, what God had done and what they learned and were thankful for. one guy got up and spoke about how he had learned so much, but couldn't describe it, or quantify it, or explain it. he just knew that the past year had held a lot of lessons that had changed him and were changing him, and he was excited about it, even if he couldn't verbalize it. i definitely agreed with him, but wasn't so excited about it.

now i think i see a glimpse of something that will put the past 2 years in perspective. well, the lessons of the last 6 years, really. and i'm quite excited about it. ;-)

All Your ways and all Your thunder
Got me in a haste runnin for cover
Where we gonna go from here?
Where we gonna go from here?

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