Wednesday, October 22, 2008


so i've spent a bit of time in the blog world recently, finding some good articles that keep me occupied/entertained in class. most of them have to do with social justice on some level, and since i proclaim that this is something i'm interested in, i figure i'd better learn more about it and *gasp* maybe actually do something.

one blog i've been following (of sorts) is by this guy who does homeless ministry in raleigh. he makes it seem so simple, yet so hard. and it makes me think that this is something i could possibly actually do, even tho it is SO far outside my comfort zone. and that's kind of a hard thing to admit. i actually worked at a homeless shelter for about a year, but i didn't really come into contact with many of the homeless staying there. and when i did, it didn't occur to me to ask them their story. i do remember 2 guys in particular that i became "friends" with, in the sense that i had real conversations with them, and discussed some real things that i know God was working out in them. i've also served dinner at the judeo-christian-outreach center numerous times, tho most of those times were in high school. by the time the groups i was involved in got around to realizing that they're people, and therefore worth engaging, i couldn't be bothered to go down to JCOC anymore. how pathetic of me!

anyway, i've been pretty challenged by love wins.

another place i found, Jesus manifesto, has challenged me tremendously, too. a friend of mine had a poem posted here, i think, and i think that's how i found it. some really creative, subversive stuff! i'm not all that artsy, but i do appreciate how the arts are engaged here. i also really like this list of really practical stuff to do - go figure, right? me liking practical stuff? one that really got me laughing is guerrilla gardening. maybe not so much for va beach, but in more urban areas. i dunno, it could work, tho!

so yeah, check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link and the kind words. And thanks most of all for reading. Sometimes it feels like I am talking to myself.

Love wins,