Sunday, December 28, 2008

my stomach turns...

just got a great (as usual) email from ryan (and michaela, now). they talk about the incomprehensible juxtaposition of poverty and football... watch about the cholera crisis in africa, then turn the channel to catch the highlights on sportscenter. i work at a starbucks in a posh area of town, and there are (at least) 3 homeless people living out front. what do i do? how do i respond? my stomach turns.

i'm really much more selfish and self-centered than that. jealousy also does my tummy in knots. there, i said it. i'm a jealous person.

i'm meeting up with an old friend tomorrow. it's going to be interesting for sure. flip-flop goes my insides.

i keep thinking about a situation i have no control over, that i should be happy about. but i play out the what-ifs in my head, the alternate universe my head has created. my stomach turns with every new "what if?"

or maybe i'm just hungry.

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