Friday, March 09, 2007


ok, so i'm somewhere between ISFJ and ISTJ... here are the "traits"/explanations from both that agree with how i feel:

"characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed.""
-yes, except my desire to serve has been way surpassed by my selfishness

"their form of "service" is likely to exclude any elements of moral or political controversy; they specialize in the local, the personal, and the practical."

"capable of forming strong loyalties, but these are personal rather than institutional loyalties"

"They are extremely loyal to these (few, close friends), and are ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moment's notice."

"the older the friendship is, the more an ISFJ will value it."
-true in the sense that i don't give up easily on "old" friendships

"a keen sense of right and wrong"

"often give the initial impression of being aloof and perhaps somewhat cold. Effusive expression of emotional warmth is not something that ISTJs do without considerable energy loss."
-but i'm learning

"They seem to perform at highest efficiency when employing a step-by-step approach."

"easily frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when the second parties don't keep their commitments."

"when asked, they don't mince words. Truth wins out over tact."
-but i'm trying to learn gentleness in love

sound about right?

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